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Custom Packaging Boxes

Why Should You Invest in Custom Boxes For Your Business?

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There are many reasons why custom packaging is worth the extra investment. Bespoke boxes are perceived as more valuable than stock-sized boxes. They are also more social media-friendly and make an excellent passive marketing tool. Read on to find out more.

Here are a few reasons why you should invest in custom boxes for your business. You will love the results! Listed below are a few of the most important ones:

Bespoke Custom Packaging Boxes Are Perceived To Add Value

Bespoke packaging has a variety of benefits. It is perceived to add value by both businesses and individual consumers. It helps to spread the company’s brand message better and demonstrates its uniqueness.

Furthermore, bespoke packaging is a particularly valuable tool in the eCommerce world where more brands are sprouting up every day. Bespoke packaging helps to build brand loyalty by showing past buyers that you care about their experiences.

It is perceived to add value by creating a sense of luxury. Studies have shown that 40% of online buyers would even share their purchases on social media if they were custom packaged. Additionally, customers want exclusivity when buying products.

Lastly, it is an integral part of this exclusivity. Unboxing a product is an experience. It can be either boring or celebratory. It all depends on the design and style of the packaging.

Custom Boxes Are Efficient Than Stock-sized Boxes

You can find these boxes at Black Packaging. They are usually about the same price as 1000 units, so you will save money by purchasing them in bulk. The cost of the protective packaging is usually about a quarter to a half of the cost per unit.

If your boxes will be stacked on top of each other, corrugated packaging is the best choice. It will also be stronger and more durable than non-corrugated boxes.

If you are shipping multiple items, you may want to consider a flexible shipping container that you can customize. You can either order these boxes online or pick them up in your local store. If you are ordering these boxes for a large business, you can also use multiple sizes and types of boxes.

This way, you can ship more products while saving money. It is easier to save money if you order several different sizes at once.

While stock-sized boxes are cheaper, they may not be the best option for all companies. You may be better off with custom boxes if you have many products that need to be packaged in bulk. These boxes may have less customization options than the more custom ones, but they will be more efficient in shipping.

And, since they are made according to your specifications, they are less likely to damage your products. Ultimately, custom-sized packaging is better for your business than stock-sized boxes.

Black Packaging offers boxes in every size you can imagine. You can order these boxes online and even have them delivered to your doorstep. Some of these companies even offer same-day shipping, so if you need a box shipped immediately, Black Packaging is the best choice.

But remember that shipping costs are not always free. You can check the shipping rate on their website. The cost of shipping depends on your location. If you want free shipping, then you’re in luck, because we charge not a single dime for shipping the custom boxes.

Custom Packaging Is More Social Media Friendly

The beauty product company Bliss added a hashtag to their custom boxes – #thisisbliss – to encourage customers to share pictures of their products on social media. By creating beautiful packaging, brands can encourage consumers to share pictures and videos of their products.

This can make them feel more connected with the brand and, in turn, share more of them. This can help a brand’s presence on social media, so it’s important to ensure your box design reflects your brand image.

Brand advocates love to share their experience with other customers on social media. And a high-quality unboxing experience will get your product shared around the web. In fact, a Dotcom Distribution report indicates that 40% of customers will share images of their packaging with friends on social media.

By creating a memorable unboxing experience for your customers, your business will gain more visibility and brand loyalty. While you may not get an immediate ROI from custom packaging, you will enjoy more profits from passive marketing, as well as more sales.

When designing a custom box, consider the way consumers share images on social media. Almost three-fourths of online shoppers have shared an image of their packaging on social media, and nearly a quarter would do the same if it looked attractive.

Elevate Your Consumers’ Custom Packaging Experience

Consider putting a call-to-action card on your box to encourage consumers to post their unboxing experiences on social media. It’s worth noting that a large portion of social media users share images of their unboxing experiences, so using a call-to-action card to include a social media handle or a specific hashtag will help you reach your goal of getting more followers for your brand.

Social media has made a huge impact on the packaging industry. Social media has changed the way consumers buy, consume, and communicate. Custom boxes are more social media friendly thanks to their ability to increase your brand’s visibility.

They are also more likely to be shared on social media, allowing a brand’s message to go viral and become embedded in a consumer’s mind. You can’t afford not to take advantage of this growing opportunity.

It Can Be a Great Passive Marketing Tool

When it comes to passive marketing, custom boxes can be an excellent choice. Choosing a custom box is a social media-friendly way to build brand loyalty. Most customers prefer to open a custom box over a standard one, and creating the right unboxing experience can result in more visibility and loyal customers. Plus, customers will be more likely to post reviews about your product if the box is unique.

Need Custom Packaging Services? Contact Us

If you want to learn more about our packaging services, you can email us at info@blackpackaging.com and one of our customer support representatives will get in touch with you shortly.

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